

Every finger food needs something delicious to dip into before you shove it in your face. When I was in the midst of Whole30, guacamole was this thing ( see Ultimate Finger Food Pt 1). I mean, is there anything this strange fruit can’t pair with, especially in this grill out, picnic time of a year that we find ourselves smack dab in the middle of? Toast – check. Salad – check. Eggs – check. Burgers – check. Dip – check. Tacos – check. Sandwich spread –  check. Dressing – check. I mean seriously. And also can I please just it them all day, every day?

The recipe king of the avocado world is most definitely guacamole. The beautiful thing about guac, is that you can’t really go wrong with it. And because of that, I never prepare it the same way twice. Sometimes I like it spicier, more crunchy, more salty, or with more of a garlic punch. You can cater it to your mood or to the preferences of anyone around you. So, in light of this fool-proof food, this post is more of a “choose your own adventure” story than a recipe. I list out all of the must have ingredients below, and you can combine them in any which way, smashing with a fork as you go. I’ve also listed some additional goodies that you may fancy tossing in there. As usual, the garlic in this recipe was grown right here in Denver, from Re:Vision’s Buying Club / Food Coop.




Below are ingredient options. The method to this, smash with a fork, or better yet, a potato masher. You can even pulse it in your food processor (options options options).


Must Haves

avocados (duh)
red onion, diced
garlic, minced
lime juice
tomato, seeded and diced
jalapeno, seeded and diced
salt and pepper
fork for smashing

Additional Goodies

garlic salt
bell peppers (of any variety)
cayenne or paprika
pine nuts
diced mango or pineapple
grilled corn
bacon or chorizo