Orange Garlic Broccolini


I have lived 7.5 years of my life in the great state of Texas. Six of those were spent in Fort Worth, going to college and establishing myself in the city after graduation. About a year before moving to Denver, I went through a “health kick,” to put it mildly, where I worked out constantly and ate healthy almost 24/7. During that year my work out buddies became my good friends and eating healthy became a lifestyle (the amazing food and drink in Denver has all but ruined that by the way).

One of the things I miss most about FW is weekly trips to Central Market (think whole foods on steroids). I spent way too much dough on quality food, wandered aimlessly through the enormous bulk food aisles, and stared down all of the fresh ooey gooey muffins, as if looking at them would satiate my sweet tooth. But if were to sum up my love for Central into one word it would be “broccolini.” Central’s garlic roasted concoction opened my eyes to these delicious, green, crisp creations that I didn’t know existed.

This recipe is an ode to the sweltering Fort Worth days, discovering food loves, and the people that make Texas home.


Orange Garlic Broccolini

Perfectly tender, these little buddies have just a hint of sweet citrus with a savory punch of garlic and salt.


1t orange zest
2T olive oil
juice from 1/2 of a medium lemon
8 garlic cloves (4 whole / 4 minced)
1 medium shallot (minced)
1 large bunch broccolini
handful of pine nuts
handful of dried cranberries


Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Toast pine nuts in a skillet on stovetop, stirring frequently. Be sure to watch carefully; they are really easy to burn. When done, remove from stove & set aside.
While pine nuts are toasting, mix together 3 T olive oil, orange zest, 1t lemon juice, & salt in a small bowl.
Remove tough ends of broccolini and place in large bowl with 4 whole garlic cloves. Pour the olive oil mixture over broccolini & toss until evenly coated.
Heat a few glugs of olive oil in an oven safe skillet over medium heat. Add shallot & garlic & cook until fragrant & soft (1-2 minutes).
Add broccolini to pan and sauté for about 10 minutes, until broccolini is bright green and beginning to soften.
Top with an additional tablespoon of olive oil and remaining lemon juice. Transfer pan to oven and roast for 15-20 minutes.
Remove from oven & top with pine nuts & cranberry. Serve immediately.