Winter Gathering


My 2017 Winter Gathering was a little different from past years. I spent a lot less time running around with my camera, and a lot more time connecting with people that I love. It didn't hurt that by the time all of the dishes were prepared, the sun had long gone down so my natural light was no more. 

I've known this for a long time, but my community of humans is a flower among thorns. So this year I focused on the joy and laughter around me. I'll be posting a lot more photos with recipe reviews for the ravioli & chocolate tart, soon, but in the meantime, enjoy this winter salad recipe. 



On the menu

Whole Wheat Sourdough  |  Winter Salad (recipe below)  |  Pork Ravioli  |  Chocolate Tart w/ mascarpone & caramel


Winter Salad

This is an easy salad to whip up as a side for a busy week day night. I like to make a big batch of the dressing to have on hand.



1/4c extra virgin olive oil
2T balsamic vinegar
1t dijon
1/2 shallot, chopped
1T garlic aioli or heavy cream
salt & pepper to taste


2 heads lacinto kale
1 green apple
2 carrots, julienned
parmesan cheese
slivered almonds


  1. Blend all dressing ingredients together in a food processor. 
  2. Remove leaves from ribs of kale. Chop leaves coarsely, and ribs finely. Toss kale leaves and ribs in a large bowl with dressing and let sit while preparing other ingredients.
  3. Slice apples thinly and julienne carrots. Combine all remaining ingredients with the kale mixture. Serve immediately. 
fondlife winter gathering 17-1.jpg

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