Tartine Shortbread—Recipe Review

Tartine Shortbread Cookies

This a snap shot of how life is going right now: I made this cookies & photographed them LAST THANKSGIVING while we were in Iowa and this post is just now seeing the light of day. I haven't been much into baking recently (hello new baby boy and hot summer months) but I've settled into this new life and am easing back into cooking and baking.

Mom life is treating me well even though some days I feel like every task is a mountain I am trying to climb 5 minutes at a time with a squirmy little blob attached to me. Did anyone else have a hard time getting motivated to cook after having their first baby? I've made a few instant pot meals, and the last one I attempted had to be finished by my husband due to hungry fussy baby. Any tips?

While I'll slowly be creating new recipes, I figured this was the perfect time to finally get this archived shortbread cookie review up, since it's been sitting in my arsenal for almost a year. Whoops!

Has anyone else ever made shortbread? Does anyone like shortbread? After making this recipe, I decided it was not one of my faves, nor did I enjoy making it. Yes, it was easy, but the cookies ended up super crumbly and not holding their shape unless you handled them as if they were precious gems, though I followed the recipe to a T. That being said, my in-laws devoured them, claiming they were like crack. Maybe I'm the crazy one?

While these may not be my jam, my favorite part was the fact that instead of molding into cookies, you just shove all of the dough into a pan and bake, then cut the cookies out like brownies. It's a win win if you aren't feeling like making cookies that take multiple batches in the oven. 

Shortbread Cookies