No Waste Cold Brew Recipe


Ahhhhh ... the smell of coffee in the morning. There isn't anything like it, whether you're grabbing while heading out the door or sitting down for a slow Saturday morning. But coffee can be one of the biggest waste producing items of the day not to mention that Starbucks tab adds up! It's no secret that making your coffee at home is cheaper and more sustainable, and here is an easy, no waste way to do it.

homemade cold brew coffee

During the summer months (or any sunny day really) I prefer cold drinks, but this recipe is great warmed up too. If I'm craving a warm cup of jo, I put some of this cold brew in our milk brother and voila! Warm coffee at the ready.

There's a reason why cold brew is so delicious. It's made exactly like it sounds, using cold instead of hot water. A higher concentration of grounds are left to steep in water over a longer period of time. This lets the solubles gently permeate into the water, yielding a smoother & sweeter taste. 


What you'll need

    homemade cold brew with milk
    1. A large bowl, preferably with spout
    2. 1/2 gallon mason jar or other glass container

    3. Reusable Cheese cloth or nut milk bag

    4. 1c whole coffee beans or 1&1/2c medium ground coffee

    5. Water


    How To make Cold Brew

    Instructions (if using a nut milk bag)

    1. If using whole beans, use a coffee grinder to achieve medium grounds. You may have to grind in multiple batches.
    2. Pour grounds into nut milk bag, tie off and place in your mason jar or glass container. 
    3. Fill mason jar to just under the lip with cool water & seal jar. 
    4. Let steep in fridge overnight, or up to 24 hours. If you end up with coffee that is too strong for your taste, you can always dilute it with more water. 
    5. Remove milk bag and reserve grounds for garden.

    Instructions (if using cheesecloth)

    1. If using whole beans, use a coffee grinder to achieve medium grounds. You may have to grind in multiple batches.
    2. Pour grounds straight into your mason jar or glass container. 
    3. Fill mason jar to just under the lip with cool water, give it a stir & seal jar. 
    4. Let steep in fridge overnight, or up to 24 hours. If you end up with coffee that is too strong for your taste, you can always dilute it with more water. 
    5. Line a large bowl with fine cheese cloth and pour contents of jar into bowl. Lift up cheese cloth and let coffee drip out into bowl for about 30 seconds.
    6. Rinse out mason jar and pour cold brew back into it to store in fridge.
    7. Reserve grounds for your garden or compost.
    homemade cold brew coffee